Restocking a Primary School Library
Where I talk about how my son’s school will soon be faced with losing access to its library books, and how I am starting to help the school restock the library
Accessible books and dyslexia
Where I learn and research about the Dyslexie font and other adaptations to make books more accessible to readers with dyslexia.
Large print editions for school
Where I talk about how I’ve been trying to source large print editions of my eldest’s reading and scheme – Little Wandle Letters and Sounds, using Collins Big Cat Phonics – … and failing.
Accessible Books - Text Legibility
Where I discuss how important text legibility is in children’s books, and how frequently legibility is a problem. Let’s make all books accessible!
When your child asks to read the same book. Every. Single. Night.
Where I talk about how my little ones are in a phase of choosing the same book to read at bedtime, night after night!